The January Deep Cleaning Checklist to complete your Cleaning Schedule for an extra clean home all the time...
A couple of weeks ago we shared our daily cleaning checklist and our daily chores checklist for you to use as you please. I promised to share a monthly deep cleaning checklist to keep your home extra clean and here I am with the January Deep Cleaning Checklist from Darling Dusters. Give yourself a couple of extra weeks to complete this list as I am not doing you any favors sharing it at the end of the month! OOPS! The month seriously got away from me...and I'm sure you needed some extra time to get used to that new cleaning schedule you adopted, right?
If you are so inclined to spend time on Pinterest (as I am), check out the deep cleaning tips and tricks. It will only take a lifetime to absorb the wealth of information out there...
Seriously, though, I found some gems applicable to the January Deep Cleaning Checklist to keep your home extra clean. Like this list of 37 Deep Cleaning Tips Every Obsessive Clean Freak Needs to Know. I am merely an aspiring Obsessive Clean Freak but this list might just be what I need to attain the goal! On this list you will find a tutorial on deep cleaning your disposal/drain as well as tips on cleaning the tracks of your windows. Window tracks will be on almost every monthly deep cleaning checklist so you might even want to bookmark this one!

courtesy of
Another great how-to I discovered is from and it is a step-by-step guide with pictures (woot, woot), teaching us the ins and outs of cleaning an oven that is 'Way Beyond Self-Cleaning' This tutorial even includes directions for cleaning BETWEEN the oven glass for a brand-new-looking appliance.
So here is the January Deep Cleaning Checklist to use in conjunction with the Daily Cleaning Checklist and the Daily Chores Checklist to keep your home extra clean all the time!
january deep cleaning checklist